Adult Sunday School Classes:
The Bible Study Class:
Begins at 9:30 am, and meets by Zoom. Follows the common Lectionary series and biblical texts used in the weekly worship service.
Contemplative Prayer Group:
We meet each Wednesday at 6:15pm to share in a simple ritual of Centering Prayer (a form of silent prayer), Lectio Divina (praying with scripture or poetry) and conclude with a simple Celtic Body Prayer. Contact the church office for more information.
Women’s Group:
The Women’s Group meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 11am to noon. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Judy Aanstad.
Men’s Group:
Men’s Group meets the first and third Friday each month at Noon for an opportunity to build community and strengthen relationships. A link to join them is provided in the weekly email.
Single Women’s Group:
Meets at various times for discussion, dinner, a movie.
Several Book Clubs exist in our congregation
Soul of Aging:
We are offering periodic six-week weekly series using the resources of the Center for Courage & Renewal Soul of Aging program. The intent is to pay attention to how our own inner voices offer wisdom on the journey of growing older.
Day Retreats:
We offer several day retreats each year around a particular theme, most often deepening our awareness and connection to the earth and more than human communities of the Piedmont.
Parkway UCC
Office & Hours
(336) 723-1395
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday