Sunday Morning Music is eclectic and draws from many traditions.

Congregational singing is robust and encourages all voices.

​Do you want to  join the Choir(s), be a part of the song team, or offer an instrumental selection? Please contact our Music Director, Blaine.

To be a liturgist, or reader on Sunday mornings contact Pastor Craig.


Our W.I.S.E. Team is very active in living out our identity as a WELCOMING – INFORMED – SUPPORTIVE – and ENGAGED congregation of the United Church of Christ. We offer small group discussions and support on various mental health topics, include mental health regularly in worship, support local organizations working with persons with mental illness and substance
use disorder and offer periodic trainings for congregation and community.


Parkway is one of the founding institutions of an emerging broad- based organizing group connected with the national  organization, the Industrial Areas Foundation. We build relationships, train leaders, and research issues critical to the well-being of our wider community as we develop resident collective power to effect change in our county.




Parkway UCC

Office & Hours
(336) 723-1395
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday



Worship: 11am Sunday

1465 Irving Street
Winston-Salem NC  27103